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Enhance daily Salah with precise Qibla compass and surah guidance

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Explore the FUT 18 DRAFT app, which provides a comprehensive guide to help you perform your daily Salah with precision and ease. With a recent update, this application has significantly enhanced the user experience and utility by introducing improvements to various sections such as the intention of Dhuhr prayer, the opening supplication (Du'a Iftitah), and the Du'a Qunoot. The Qibla compass display has been refined for better functionality.

One of the key features includes the addition of short surahs (chapters) from the Quran, such as Al-Qari'ah, Al-'Adiyat, Al-Zalzalah, Al-Bayyinah, and Al-Qadr, which are essential for those seeking to enrich their prayer experience. This latest version showcases dedication to continual development based on feedback, ensuring it remains a valuable resource for spiritual routine.

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With its user-centric approach, the application serves as a practical tool for anyone looking to improve their prayers, learn new surahs, and find the direction of the Qibla with the help of a digital compass. Whether you’re new to prayer or enhancing your daily practice, the app is designed to support your spiritual journey right from your handheld device.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Information about FUT 18 DRAFT 2.3.0

Package Name uin.tuntunan.shalat
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Comics & Book Readers
Language English
Author LABKOMIF UIN Bandung
Downloads 1,686
Date Jun 15, 2016
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 2.2.1 Android + 2.0 Apr 8, 2022

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